TaoYoga Arts™ - Teaching, Sharing and Healing in Japan.
Specializing in Health, Wellness and Healing through teaching the TaoYoga Arts™ system.
Director & Founder ~ Jesse Lee Parker
タオヨガアーツ創始者 ジェシー・リー・パーカー
Assistant Director ~ Yuko Kon
アシスタント・ディレクター 今祐子
TaoYoga Arts™ is the name of the unique and original brand, system of practice and training method created by Jesse Lee Parker.
The TaoYoga Arts™ System was first conceived of and created by Jesse Lee Parker in America in 2002., during workshops held in Austin, Texas.
In Japan the TaoYoga Arts system went through further refinement and development, and Jesse began teaching this system publicly in the Kamakura area.
Now the TaoYoga Arts System has spread through the efforts of Jesse's Disciples, and TaoYoga Arts is taught in:
Kamakura / Tokyo / Hokkaido / Kyushu/ Australia / USA / Switzerland
Future branches are planned in: Saitama / Chiba / Okinawa
ジェシー・リー・パーカーは、古来タオの仙人から伝えられた癒しの術を現代の人に届けるべく体系化したタオヨガアーツ(TaoYoga Arts)の創始者です。
タオヨガアーツ(TaoYoga Arts)は、プラクティス・トレーニングメソッドのシステムとしてユニークで
TaoYoga Arts™ is the official brand, style, and product name for the unique system created and taught by Jesse Lee Parker.
Use of the name TaoYoga Arts™,
images of this website, teaching concept, intellectual property,
TaoYoga Arts™ System content,
is permissible only with prior written permission from Director Jesse Lee Parker.
INFO: 080−5695−7405
© TaoYoga Arts™タオヨガアーツ - JAPAN - © All Rights Reserved